
By The Font is a typeface and clip-art design and vanity press operation, run by Pastor Alex and Kelly Klages. The name was chosen in reflection of the Lutheran faith of its founders--a faith which operates from the premise that it is "by the font" that we are born into a new life of faith in Jesus Christ through Holy Baptism. Kelly's new book, to be released soon, is about Baptism. "By the font" also serves, homophonically, as a reminder to buy typefaces, or "fonts", as they are commonly known, from vendors which sell them and thus encourage the truly talented typeface designers in their vocation.

the font

For some time I have been researching and studying typeface design, as a natural outflow of my love of language. (Languages I have studied include English, Old English, Middle English, French, Classical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, and a little Latin, German, and Swedish.) The premise that an arbitrary symbol system can convey and indeed unlock such a wide range of meaning and culture is astounding. Many typefaces have their own cultural flavour. I would suggest spending some time browsing through the major foundries for examples of cultural distinctives given to the basic Latin alphabet, now used throughout the world.

Having said that, the fonts presented at this site are a product of love. We simply love making these. Whether or not anyone finds use for the fonts found here is entirely irrelevant. This is one of our hobbies, and, hopefully, one which, at very least, continues to spur our creativity--Kelly as an artist, me as a pastor in the Lutheran Church.

Last updated June 2009 by the webmaster. Webhosting by 1&1.